~ Flip Flop Wreath Tutorial ~
What better way to celebrate summer then making a bright flip flop wreath? Add shells, beads, buttons or any decoration to make your wreath truly unique!
You will also need about 8 toothpicks
We used Elmer's Craft Bond Rubber Cement for
the flip flops and Loctite Super Glue Professional Liquid for the gems.
(click photo to enlarge)
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
This is key to your wreath's survival in the hot weather.
Trust me, we've tried without the toothpicks
and the glue just melted off! (not pretty!)
Step 8
Once completely dry, flip over and repeat with the
toothpicks ends on the back
Step 9
We used Loctite Super Glue (be careful because it glues your fingers together! :)

...until you've finished!
Step 10
Let dry overnight
Hang your summery wreath on your front porch, by the pool, on your door.
Happy Summer!